Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Chronic Pain
Posted by Monica | Posted in | Posted on 4:29 AM

Cognitive behavioral therapy entails the notion that behavior patterns can greatly influence symptoms of chronic pain, and incapability to perform certain chores with ease may slow down the healing process. For instance, when you start feeling a specific kind of pain, you automatically judge the course of action it’ll take. If you have experienced this pain as being intense before, you’ll expect it to worsen and this pre-pain feeling will make you think that managing such pain is out of your control. In reaction, this kind of stress may instigate notable physical changes in your body like ascending blood pressure, production of harmful stress hormones, muscle stiffness and intensified pain.
In cognitive behavioral therapy, you are entitled to undergo numerous sessions with a therapist, either individually or in a group. These sessions normally last for up to an hour. In these sessions you get a chance to learn explicit exercises that enhance your ability to deal with stress and control your pain levels from alleviating. Your therapist will also tell you ways in which you can control your behavior towards your pain symptoms at home as well.
Cognitive behavioral therapy can work miraculously by helping you alter the way you think about your pain and how to influence your thinking in a way that it positively affects your overall physical health.
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