Effective Stages of Web Development Life Cycle

Posted by Monica | Posted in | Posted on 11:01 PM


Hiring a web development services company is a tough job unless you know the minimum basics of a website creation because the web development companies may try to cheat you by pricing high to develop your website, if you don't know at least the common things involved in the development of a website. In the next few lines, you will see the life cycle model of web development
Requirement Analysis:
This is the basic step for starting a web development project and should be done carefully and this is also the first step in any website design firm. This analysis can be done through questionnaires, email letters, participating in interactive sessions, meetings etc... That covers all the details of the chosen project (i.e., concept).

  • Purpose of the website
  • Marketing objectives
  • Who is your audience & what are their expectations?
  • Competitors
  • Database and price details etc...

Preparing Documentation:
Web Design:
The particular web development company will start the design for the website if the given details are accepted by the customer. Designs are nothing but actually the look and feel of the website at front-end. In this phase, they determine the architecture of the website by developing a detailed sitemap.
Website Development & Coding:
Maintenance and Updating:

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