Are Muslims Really The Best Nation?

Posted by Monica | Posted in | Posted on 1:47 AM


Are we Muslims worth it that Allah calls us the best nation? Allah in Quran calls the momineen the best nation. After this there is no reason of objecting to it. Let us look at the situation of the present time so that we can get the answer of this question. In the present time Muslims are left behind in the world educationally, socially, and economically and politically.

If we self criticize our self we would surly find the answer to it. Starting with education; every Muslim man and women are told in the Quran and the hadees that they should read and stand out in the field of education. How many of us read Quran and other implement it? how many of the computer read Quran online? So we have the answer we don’t step forward to excel. Therefore we are left uneducated and thus socially backward. The social backwardness is seen in the 50% of the total population of Muslim who are females are not allowed to peruse education like the way men are encouraged in countries like Afghanistan. Another example of the Muslim countries is Pakistan which is a nuclear power but still the literacy rate is only 26%.

The ancestors of the Muslims have made tremendous achievement in the fields of science and technology but in the present time we are not only lift behind in sciences and technology but also in Islamic education. Then how can we be worth calling the best nation in the world?

Muslims need to stand up for their revival. They should prove it that they deserve to be called the best nation in the world.

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