Emergence of Islam in America
Posted by Monica | Posted in | Posted on 11:33 PM
America is the country where many of the Muslims reside, some of them are there from quite a long time, and some of the Muslims are American nationals. It is obvious that Muslims may face difficulties in following their religious duties because of the lack of Islamic resources and trends.

Islam embraces the social, cultural, legal, political, psychological and spiritual dimensions of man. It is the most diversified religion in the universe. Despite of being non-Islamic country, America has huge number of Islamic societies run by organizations and individuals to facilitate the Muslims in the states. There are online Islamic Schools, community centers, mosques and other places where Muslims can learn Islamic knowledge and practice it.
The Islam of the Companions was an integrated whole reflecting the lessons they had learned from the great Master. Then, as Islam spread and found a home in Persia and Egypt during the late Umayyad and early Abbasid periods, the various schools of fiqh were founded to make the people learn Quran. The legal dimension of Islam was consolidated. In the eighth and ninth centuries, there was a brief flirtation with speculative philosophies when the Mu’tazalites found favor in the Abbasid courts.
The current anti-Islamic climate opens up vast opportunities for creative applications of Islam in the West. Islam in America cannot be the same as it is in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia. It will have its own modalities, its own culture, its own taste and flavor. In America, Muslims may not have Quran tutors available everywhere; they can read Quran Online, whereas in Islamic Countries it is easier to get education of Quran.
We commend the Muslims in America to embrace a framework of Ehsan and stand firm, together with their fellow citizens, for justice for all. Ehsan must be the basis of Islamic spirituality in America and the means for reaching out to people of other faiths, indeed people who may not have any faith.
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