Skin problems due to intensity of heat
Posted by Monica | Posted in | Posted on 4:17 AM

A sun burn should not be taken lightly because heat reaction can be life threatening. In summers a large number of people come to the pain clinics with the problems such as heat strokes. Patients are not aware of the fact that sunburns can even lead to problems like skin cancers.
Pain medication can put the patient at ease but it is better a person puts on sun block frequently so that he can prevent from any skin problem due to summer heat. If a burn occurs a patient should right away consult a doctor for medication. Doctor can determine the severity of the bur and treat it accordingly.
If you have a skin burn it is not advisable to apply any cream or a sun block because it may worsen the condition of a burn. First thing a patient need to do is to cool down the burn. A wet cloth can help you cool down the burn. A bath should be preferred in the case of a burn. Remember that the water should be lukewarm.
Patients should never apply butter to the affected area. Aloe in natural for or aloe in product can be helpful for the relief of pain of sun burn. Chronic pain treatment of any sort should be started by the help of a pain doctor. Some of the pain relievers can’t be used for the pains thus they leave a wrong effect and increase the severity of the condition of the burn. Natural things like Oats, chamomile, mullein, and wild strawberry can be used for minor burns in a bath. Raw potatoes, boiled chestnut leaves can also be helpful to treat a burn.
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